How the social media star behind ‘Bob Does Sports’ discovered sidekick Fat Perez

Robby Berger, the comedian behind social-media sensation Bob Does Sports, originally envisioned a platform that featured multiple sports. But as it turned out, his golf content resonated with viewers more than anything else, so now Bob Does Golf is fully devoted to the game we all love.

If you aren’t among the troupe’s 330,000 Instagram followers, check out the handle (@bobdoessports) to get a taste of the gang’s on-course antics.

One of Berger’s sidekicks on Bob Does Sports is known as Fat Perez, and on this week’s episode of Subpar, Berger and Perez explained how they joined forces.While Berger took up golf as an adult, Perez told Subpar hosts Colt Knost and Drew Stoltz that he’s played his whole life, and even competed collegiately at the Division III level.

But once he started working full time, Perez says his golf was relegated to the weekends.“I love the game. Whenever I could get out, I did,” Perez said. “I’d take days off during the week so I could go play golf.”

Perez heard about some of Berger’s early work with Bob Does Sports from a buddy and followed the account on Instagram, and then started participating in Berger’s Zoom happy hours during the pandemic.“I just happened to be in Pinehurst with my wife one weekend [Berger] was down there, we met up for drinks, dinner,” Perez said. “It was like, ‘Come play No. 2 with us.’ Kept playing golf ever since.”

Perez left his job in public accounting and commercial real estate investment funds and is now working with Bob Does Sports full-time.Berger said he remembers being struck by seeing the name “Fat Perez” on his Zoom happy hours, especially since Perez was clearly calling in from a cubicle, “pounding beers.”

“When he came in, he just lit it up,” Berger said. “And then when we found out how good of a golfer he is, I was like, all right, he’s a shoo-in.”For more from Bob Does Golf, including their assessment of Barstool’s Riggs and the group’s origin, check out the full interview below.

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